Wednesday, November 25, 2020

TheList 5528

The List 5528 TGB

Good Wednesday Morning 25 November

A bit of history and some tidbits



This Day in Naval History

Nov. 25

1943 At the Battle of Cape St. George, Destroyer Squadron 23 intercepts five Japanese destroyers attempting to land reinforcements at Buka on Bougainville. During this night engagement, the Japanese destroyers Onami, Makiname, and Yugiri are sunk.

1943 PB4Y-1 aircraft, piloted by Lt. j.g. Vance Dawkins from VB-107, sinks German submarine U-849 in the South Atlantic west of the Congo estuary.

1943 USS Radford (DD 446) sinks Japanese submarine I-19 north of the Gilbert Islands.

1944 USS Hardhead (SS 365) attacks a Japanese convoy 60 miles west of Manila and sinks Coast Defense Vessel No.38 off Bataan Peninsula while USS Atule (SS 403) sinks Japanese freighter Santos Maru off Sabtang Island, Luzon. Also, USS Mingo (SS 261) sinks Japanese army transport Manila Maru.

1961 USS Enterprise (CVAN 65), the U.S. Navy's first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, is commissioned in Newport News, Va.


Thanks to CHINFO on 25 November

Executive Summary:

•           Reporting continued on USS John S. McCain's FONOP in the waters near Peter the Great Bay, including a U.S. rebuttal of Russian disinformation.

•           USNI News continued coverage from an embark aboard USS Gerald R. Ford.



This day in History 25 November

1863 Union ends the siege of Chattanooga with the Battle of Missionary Ridge.

1876 Colonel Ronald MacKenzie destroys Cheyenne Chief Dull Knife's village, in the Bighorn Mountains near the Red Fork of the Powder River, during the so-called Great Sioux War.

1901 Japanese Prince Ito arrives in Russia to seek concessions in Korea.

1914 German Field Marshal Fredrich von Hindenburg calls off the Lodz offensive 40 miles from Warsaw, Poland. The Russians lose 90,000 to the Germans' 35,000 in two weeks of fighting.

1918 Chile and Peru sever relations.

1921 Hirohito becomes regent of Japan.

1923 Transatlantic broadcasting from England to America commences for the first time.

1930 An earthquake in Shizouka, Japan kills 187 people.

1939 Germany reports four British ships sunk in the North Sea, but London denies the claim.

1946 The U.S. Supreme Court grants the Oregon Indians land payment rights from the U.S. government.

1947 The Big Four meet to discuss the German and European economy.

1951 A truce line between U.N. troops and North Korea is mapped out at the peace talks in Panmunjom, Korea.

1955 The Interstate Commerce Commission bans segregation in interstate travel.

1963 The body of assassinated President John F. Kennedy is buried at Arlington National Cemetery.

1964 Eleven nations give a total of $3 billion to rescue the value of the British currency.

1986 As President Ronald Reagan announces the Justice Department's findings concerning the Iran-Contra affair; secretary Fawn Hall smuggles important documents out of Lt. Col. Oliver North's office.

1987 Typhoon Nina sticks the Philippines with 165 mph winds and a devastating storm surge and causes over 1,030 deaths.

1992 Federal Assembly of Czechoslovakia votes to partition the country into the Czech Republic and Slovakia, beginning Jan. 1, 1993.

2008 Sri Lanka is hit by Cyclone Nisha, bringing the highest rainfall the area had seen in 9 decades; 15 people die, 90,000 are left homeless.

2348 Biblical scholars have long asserted this to be the day of the Great Deluge, or Flood.




COVID....don't get it!

thanks to THE Bear - 


Dutch.... good testimony... there is hope for 85-year olds... Bear

From: Cliff R
Date: November 24, 2020 at 11:12:35 PM 
Subject: Fw: COVID....don't get it!


Stan Cxxx asked me to detail my recent experience with COVID, and what to expect, and how it affected me…May not be much help, I think I had a very mild case, but who knows, it may be of benefit to some listed…

I was tested on 5 November, and declared positive within an hour of the test. .Had been feeling miserable for several days, thought it was just a cold, but things didn't jive, head and lungs were clear, but I was ACHY…in caps.  So I thought…hmm I'm positive, I will be besieged by information and treatment by my physician…didn't happen…it was sorta…"You're Positive, go home, don't bother me!"  BUT, daughter Wendy leaped into the breach, brought over a little gadget that I could put on a finger and it would tell me my O2 reading and pulse…that helped, and I started heavy vitamin regimen, C, D and most of the alphabet, except K…I take Eliquis for a blood thinner, have Arythmia, (sometimes I have to get converted in the doc's office to be shocked back into Rthym, no big deal, just can't take vitamin K) and I was mostly miserable, but had good O2 readings, and ached..sleep was also a major problem, I use a CPAP machine due to Apnea, but it felt like I was not getting enough air with the mask on, so I couldn't use it…and I did not get much sleep…

Judy tested the same day that I did, but she was negative, never had the first symptom, and was at my beck and call all the time.. Took my temp, checked my pulse and O2 level at least twice a day, administered vitamins, brought me water, fed me and was extremely helpful. 

I did get two checks from an Ambulance Service…son-in-law Wayne George is an EMT out in Virginia, called the local service, think it was AMS, and they came by, took my vitals, didn't find anything that required me to go to hospital, and checked again by the same service a few days later…again, I was improving, so again, stay home and again, no charge.

Again, I had no breathing problems, except with the CPAP machine, lungs were clear, no stuffy head, just body ache and some fever.  Took Tyanol, for the fever, helped with the pain, and that was about the extent of my treatment…like I say, it was mild…I was never in fear of not recovering….even at 85, I feel strong.  Biggest hurdle was appetite.  I was not hungry..had zero appetite, lost 19 pounds, and I could stand to lose it, just not that quickly.  I am still a little weak, getting stronger daily, but I don't want to experience that again…so, DON'T GET IT!

Please stay well!

Hope this helps…I really think it was very mild for me.. If you do get it…hope it's mild for you.




Thanks to Boysie ….AND Dr.Rich


Wise Sayings


 "The only mystery in life is why the kamikaze pilots wore helmets." – Al McGuire

 "The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." – Albert Einstein

 "War is God's way of teaching Americans geography." – Ambrose Bierce

 "It would be nice to spend billions on schools and roads, but right now that money is desperately needed for political ads." – Andy Borowitz

 "At every party there are two kinds of people – those who want to go home and those who don't. The trouble is, they are usually married to each other." – Ann Landers

 "My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I'm right." – Ashleigh Brilliant 

 "Have you noticed that all the people in favor of birth control are already born?" – Benny Hill

 "The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us." – Bill Watterson

 "As a child my family's menu consisted of two choices: take it or leave it." – Buddy Hackett

 "My favorite machine at the gym is the vending machine." – Caroline Rhea

 "All right everyone, line up alphabetically according to your height." – Casey Stengel

 "Never under any circumstances take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night." – Dave Barry

 "The duty of a patriot is to protect his country from its government." – Edward Abbey

 "How many people here have telekinetic powers? Raise my hand." – Emo Philips

 "If you live to be one hundred, you've got it made. Very few people die past that age." – George Burns

 And my favorite:  "Trouble knocked at the door, but, hearing laughter, hurried away." – Benjamin Franklin



Thanks to Mud and Steve      I agree with Steve

Best drum line ever

Not bad for sure ... but my money is on Marine rifles and bayonets over Swiss sticks and drums.


(Says they are Swiss Top Secret Drum Corps)

Semper Fi,


    I think they've got the lads at 8th and I beat.  I wonder who they were and how long it took them to get it right.

- Mud



Thanks to Mike

Home Security PDF

click on link to download...Good Refresher, and a good one to send family and friends not in Sheep Dog Mode.'s/Safe+Haven+Home+Security+.pdf



Thanks to Barrett. I remember talking to Jerry over a few brew one time when he told me what motivated him to fly. He was enlisted at the time and got to sit in a Phantom that was in high power test after an engine fix. He was running the power up and down and could feel the power of the aircraft in his bones and was hooked. He went through all the wickets and went to Purdue as a NESEP and got his commission and then flight school and then Phantoms. The last I heard from him he had retired to a house near or on the St. Andrews golf course. His other love was golf. skip

First Topgun grad to bag a MiG.  The Official Version of course was an Official Lie about a photo escort.  CAG Paul Speer laid a crafty trap tho I don't think it's mentioned in the video.

Skip, I had to go thru the Youtube back door rather than clicking on the link.  Re-entered Beaulier's name and got this:


(Although the first attempt produced a USMC boxer)




This Day in U S Military History…..November 25

1758 – In the French and Indian War, the British captured Fort Duquesne in present-day Pittsburgh. On November 24, the French commander recognized that he faced total disaster if he were to resist. Under the cover of night, the French withdrew from Fort Duquesne, set it afire and floated down the Ohio River to safety. The British claimed the smoldering remains on November 25 and were horrified to finds the heads of some of Grant's Highlanders impaled on stakes with their kilts displayed below.

1783 – Nearly three months after the Treaty of Paris was signed ending the American Revolution, the last British soldiers withdraw from New York City, their last military position in the United States. After the last Red Coat departed New York, Patriot General George Washington entered the city in triumph to the cheers of New Yorkers. The city was captured by the British in September 1776 and remained in their hands until 1783. Four months after New York was returned to the victorious Patriots, the city was declared to be the capital of the United States. It was the site in 1789 of Washington's inauguration as the first U.S. president and remained the nation's capital until 1790, when Philadelphia became the second capital of the United States under the U.S. Constitution.

1863 – Union General Ulysses S. Grant breaks the siege of Chattanooga, Tennessee, in stunning fashion by routing the Confederates under General Braxton Bragg at Missionary Ridge. For two months since the Battle of Chattanooga, the Confederates had kept the Union army bottled up inside of a tight semicircle around Chattanooga. When Grant arrived in October, however, he immediately reversed the defensive posture of his army. After opening a supply line by driving the Confederates away from the Tennessee River in late October, Grant prepared for a major offensive in late November. It was launched on November 23 when Grant sent General George Thomas to probe the center of the Confederate line. Stunningly, this simple plan turned into a complete victory, and the Rebels retreated higher up Missionary Ridge. On November 24, the Yankees captured Lookout Mountain on the extreme right of the Union lines, and this set the stage for the Battle of Missionary Ridge.The attack took place in three parts. On the Union left, General William T. Sherman attacked troops under Patrick Cleburne at Tunnel Hill, an extension of Missionary Ridge. In difficult fighting, Cleburne managed to hold the hill. On the other end of the Union lines, General Joseph Hooker was advancing slowly from Lookout Mountain, and his force had little impact on the battle. It was at the center that the Union achieved its greatest success. The soldiers on both sides received confusing orders. Some Union troops thought they were only supposed to take the rifle pits at the base of the ridge, while others understood that they were to advance to the top. Some of the Confederates heard that they were to hold the pits, while others thought that they were to retreat to the top of Missionary Ridge. Furthermore, poor placement of Confederate trenches on the top of the ridge made it difficult to fire at the advancing Union troops without hitting their own men, who were retreating from the rifle pits. The result was that the attack on the Confederate center turned into a major Union victory. After the center collapsed, the Confederate troops retreated on November 26, and Bragg pulled his troops away from Chattanooga. He resigned shortly thereafter, having lost the confidence of his army. The Confederates suffered 6,687 men killed, wounded, and missing, and the Union lost 5,824. Grant missed an opportunity to destroy the Confederate army when he chose not to pursue the retreating Rebels, but Chattanooga was secured. Sherman resumed the attack in the spring after Grant was promoted to general in chief of all Federal forces.


1867 – Alfred Nobel patented dynamite. In 1863, Swedish industrialist Alfred Nobel invented the Nobel patent detonator (later used with dynamite) which detonated nitroglycerin (invented by Italian chemist Ascanio Sobrero in 1846) using a strong shock rather than heat combustion. In 1865, the Nobel Company built the first factory for producing nitroglycerin and later dynamite. Nitroglycerin in its natural liquid state is very volatile. Albert Nobel recognized this, and in 1866 he discovered that mixing nitroglycerine with silica would turn the liquid into a malleable paste (dynamite), which could be cylinder shaped for insertion into the drilling holes used for mining. In 1867, Albert Nobel patented this material under the name of dynamite – U.S. patent 78,317. To be able to detonate the dynamite rods he also invented a detonator or blasting cap that was ignited by lighting a fuse.

1940 – First flight of the Martin B-26 Marauder. The Martin B-26 Marauder was a World War II twin-engined medium bomber built by the Glenn L. Martin Company. First used in the Pacific Theater in early 1942, it was also used in the Mediterranean Theater and in Western Europe. After entering service with the U.S. Army, the aircraft received the reputation of a "Widowmaker" due to the early models' high rate of accidents during takeoff and landings. The Marauder had to be flown at exact airspeeds, particularly on final runway approach and when one engine was out. The 150 mph (241 km/h) speed on short final runway approach was intimidating to pilots who were used to much slower speeds, and whenever they slowed down below what the manual stated, the aircraft would stall and crash. The B-26 became a safer aircraft once crews were re-trained, and after aerodynamics modifications (an increase of wingspan and wing angle-of-incidence to give better takeoff performance, and a larger vertical stabilizer and rudder). After aerodynamic and design changes, the aircraft distinguished itself as "the chief bombardment weapon on the Western Front" according to a United States Army Air Forces dispatch from 1946. The Marauder ended World War II with the lowest loss rate of any USAAF bomber. A total of 5,288 were produced between February 1941 and March 1945; 522 of these were flown by the Royal Air Force and the South African Air Force. By the time the United States Air Force was created as an independent service separate from the Army in 1947, all Martin B-26s had been retired from US service. The Douglas A-26 Invader then assumed the B-26 designation — before officially returning to the earlier "A for Attack" designation in May 1966.

1941 – Adm. Harold R. Stark, U.S. chief of naval operations, tells Adm. Husband E. Kimmel, commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor, that both President Roosevelt and Secretary of State Cordell Hull think a Japanese surprise attack is a distinct possibility. "We are likely to be attacked next Monday, for the Japs are notorious for attacking without warning," Roosevelt had informed his Cabinet. "We must all prepare for trouble, possibly soon," he telegraphed British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. Kimmel's command was specifically at the mid-Pacific base at Oahu, which comprised, in part, Pearl Harbor. At the time he received the "warning" from Stark, he was negotiating with Army Lt. Gen. Walter C. Short, commander of all U.S. forces at Pearl Harbor, about sending U.S. warships out from Pearl Harbor in order to reinforce Wake and Midway Islands, which, along with the Philippines, were possible Japanese targets. But the Army had no antiaircraft artillery to spare. War worries had struck because of an intercepted Japanese diplomatic message, which gave November 25 as a deadline of sorts. If Japanese diplomacy had failed to convince the Americans to revoke the economic sanctions against Japan, "things will automatically begin to happen," the message related. Those "things" were becoming obvious, in the form of Japanese troop movements off Formosa (Taiwan) apparently toward Malaya. In fact, they were headed for Pearl Harbor, as was the Japanese First Air Fleet. Despite the fact that so many in positions of command anticipated a Japanese attack, especially given the failure of diplomacy (Japan refused U.S. demands to withdraw from both the Axis pact and occupied territories in China and Indochina), no one expected Hawaii as the target.

2001 – Qala-i-Jangi revolt. Taliban fighters were being herded, as captured or surrendered, into the Qala-i-Jangi fortress near Mazar-I-Sharif, a few Taliban attacked some Northern Alliance guards, taking their weapons and opening fire. This incident soon triggered a widespread revolt by 300 prisoners, who soon seized the southern half of the complex, once a medieval fortress, including an armory stocked with small arms and crew-served weapons. One American CIA operative who had been interrogating prisoners, Johnny Michael Spann, was killed, marking the first American combat death in the war. The revolt was finally put down after seven days of heavy fighting. AC-130 gunships and other aircraft took part providing strafing fire on several occasions, as well as a bombing airstrikes. 86 of the Taliban prisoners survived, and around 50 Northern Alliance soldiers were killed. The quashing of the revolt marked the end of the combat in northern Afghanistan, where local Northern Alliance warlords were now firmly in control.


Medal of Honor Citations for Actions Taken This Day

Rank and organization: Sergeant, Company K, 2d Minnesota Infantry. Place and date: At Chickamauga, Ga., 19 September 1863; At Missionary Ridge, Tenn., 25 November 1863. Entered service at: Glencoe, Minn. Birth: Maine. Date of issue: 2 April 1898. Citation: While in arrest at Chickamauga, Ga., left his place in the rear and voluntarily went to the line of battle, secured a rifle, and fought gallantly during the 2_day battle; was released from arrest in recognition of his bravery. At Missionary Ridge commanded his company and gallantly led it, being among the first to enter the enemy's works; was severely wounded, losing an arm, but declined a discharge and remained in active service to the end of the war.

Rank and organization: Private, Company G, 37th Ohio Infantry. Place and date: At Missionary Ridge, Tenn., 25 November 1863. Entered service at: Maumee, Ohio. Birth: Tiffin, Ohio. Date of issue: 9 November 1895. Citation. Rescued a wounded comrade under terrific fire.

Rank and organization: Colonel, 65th New York Infantry. Place and date: At Marye's Heights, Va., 3 May 1863. Entered service at: New York, N.Y. Born: 19 March 1827, Haddam, Conn. Date of issue 25 November 1893. Citation: At a most critical moment, the head of the charging column being about to be crushed by the severe fire of the enemy's artillery and infantry, he pushed forward with a supporting column, pierced the enemy's works, and turned their flank.

Rank and organization: Private, Company K, 31st Ohio Infantry. Place and date: At Missionary Ridge, Tenn., 25 November 1863. Entered service at: Springfield, Ohio. Birth: Clark County, Ohio. Date of issue: 25 November 1895. Citation: After 2 color bearers had fallen, seized the flag and carried it forward, assisting in the capture of a battery. Shortly thereafter he captured the flag of the 41st Alabama and the color bearer.

Rank and organization: First Sergeant, Company M, 4th U.S. Cavalry. Place and date: At Powder River, Wyo., 25 November 1876. Entered service at:——. Birth: Hartford, Conn. Date of issue: 14 July 1891. Citation: Though dangerously wounded, he maintained his ground with a small party against a largely superior force after his commanding officer had been shot down during a sudden attack and rescued that officer and a comrade from the enemy.






25 November

1918: The NC-1 flying boat set a world record by taking off from NAS Rockaway Beach, New York, with 51 persons. (24)

1920: Lt Corliss C. Moseley flew a Verville-Packard 600 132 miles at 156.54 MPH to win the first Pulitzer Race at Mitchel Field. Moseley later founded Western Air Express (later Western Airlines) to carry airmail. (24)

1940: NACA announced plans to build an $8.4 million engine research laboratory at the Cleveland Municipal Airport in Ohio. It became the Lewis Research Center. (8: Nov 90) First flight of the Martin B-26 Marauder.

1943: P-47 Thunderbolts from VIII Fighter Command inaugurated bombing in an attack on Saint-Omer Airfield, France. (4) From bases in China, B-25s, P-38s, and P-51s completed the first Fourteenth Air Force mission against Formosa. (24)

1945: Through 30 November, Col Joseph Holzapple flew a Douglas A-26 Invader around the world in 96 hours 50 minutes of flying time. His crew included Lt Col Charles R. Meyers (co-pilot), Lt Otto H. Schumacher (navigator), and Cpl Howard J Walden (radio operator). They headed westward from Savannah, Ga. Four days and 24,859 miles later, they returned to Washington DC after successfully circumnavigating the earth, thus demonstrating the ability of US light bombers to reach any point in the world quickly. (5) (

1956: TSgt Richard J. Patton made the first successful polar parachute jump when he bailed out of a C-124 Globemaster from 1,500 feet at the South Pole. (24)

1957: SAC phased out its KB-29 tankers by transferrring the last two KB-29s from the 27 AREFW at Bergstrom AFB to the aircraft storage area at Davis-Monthan AFB. (1)

1970: Bill Dana flew the M2-F3 Lifting Body on its first powered flight at Edwards AFB. (3)

1980: Through 29 November, MAC units delivered 1,305 tons of fire retardant chemicals to battle 11 major fires in four counties east of Los Angeles. (16) (26) The 26th Tactical Fighter Training Aggressor Squadron flew its final T-38 Talon sortie. The ATC replaced the squadron's four Talons with F-5E and F-5F aircraft. (26)




Thanks to Mac

Subject: Interesting Read Regarding Fox News

Well worth the time to read.....

If you regularly watch Fox News and have been noticing something feels
"off" with their election coverage, you're not wrong. Around a year ago,
conservative political wonks turned off Fox News for good. The reason why
has to do with events that unfolded in 2019. What did these conservative
news junkies see that the rest of us missed? And, why does it matter now?

Event Number One: The Passing of the Torch
Rupert Murdoch was the media titan who built and developed Fox News into
America's conservative news juggernaut. Murdoch had six children. Of the
six, his two sons Lachlan and James were in contention to take over Fox
News even though both of them had openly repudiated Rupert's conservative
politics. In 2019, Lachlan officially took over the reigns of Fox News.
James, the more liberal of the two, opted to invest a large portion of his
multi-billion dollar inheritance in liberal media ventures. Once Lachlan
took charge, his goal was to move Fox News left. His moves were no
surprise to insiders considering his public ties to climate change
activism, donating to the Clinton Foundation, and proudly taking
responsibility for pushing Bill O'Reilley off the network. It's worth
noting that Fox Business is a separate entity from Fox News, even though
both channels are owned by a new, scaled-back Fox Network.

Event Number Two: Fox News Hires the Haters
In March 2019, Fox News made a shocking move by hiring former DNC
Committee Chief, Donna Brazile. Brazile was famously fired from the DNC
and CNN for leaking debate questions to Hillary Clinton prior to a 2016
Presidential Debate against Donald Trump. Another WTF hire was the failed
VP Candidate, Paul Ryan. Ryan was named to the Fox News Board of Directors
in March, 2019. The well-known "never Trumper' routinely stonewalled
President Trump's agenda as the Speaker of the House.

Event Number Three: "Shut-Up, Or Else…"
Just a month ago, Newt Gingrich's mic was cut when he had the audacity to
utter the name George Soros in an interview on Harris Faulkner's Fox News
show, Overtime Outnumbered. During the interview the conversation moved
into a discussion on political funding. Gingrich was presenting
indisputable facts about Soros's well-known financial backing of many
extremely left-leaning political organizations. The mic cut surprised both
Faulkner and Gingrich which led to a long, awkward, pregnant silence on
air. Was Gingrich's censorship a signal to other conservative voices?
Fast forward to this past week, Judge Jeanine Pirro, the host of Justice
W/Jeanine on Fox News since 2011 announced the topic of her weekly show.
The topic: Election Fraud. However, she was fired/suspended before her
segment aired. Was Pirro's firing meant to send a message to other popular
Fox News hosts?
Just days after Pirro's firing and Biden's bogus campaign victory speech,
Laura Ingram the host of the Ingram Angle stunned Republicans. On her
show, she took it upon herself to offer President Trump advice on how to
act graciously upon his pending election concession. It was
uncharacteristic of Ingram to take this defeatist position considering she
consistently supported President Trump throughout his first term. As a
former clerk to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, Ingram knows the
law and knows the election is far from officially decided.
Next, Tucker Carlson. With the highest ratings of any cable news show in
the days leading up to November 3rd, where is he now that the blatant
election fraud is being exposed? Strangely quiet given Carlson's fierce
commitment to our Republic. Then, there's Hannity. If anyone deserves to
be called a Trump fan-boy, it's Sean Hannity. Even he is noticeably
restrained in his election coverage. Hannity knows full-well President
Trump won in a landslide on Nov. 3rd, and remains the winner even after
the Dem's election fuckery. Why isn't Hannity crying foul? Then there's
Chris Wallace. His performance as a debate moderator drew such harsh
criticism from both political sides, his professional reputation may not
ever recover.

Here IS what's going on at Fox News
With just 73% of the votes counted in Arizona around midnight on November
3rd, Fox News made a stunning call, falsely awarding the win of the
battleground state to Joe Biden. Now that we know the true nature of Fox
News, have seen blatant election fraud, and seen a pattern of silence from
the top talent on the channel; is it so far-fetched to think Fox News is
playing a role in all of this?
There is no question the 2020 election is rampant with fraud and it
continues. Proof is mounting, whistleblowers are coming forward, even
Supreme Court injunctions have been issued. All of this will be
investigated and litigated through the courts. Rudy Guiliani and the rest
of the Trump legal team have vowed to fight. And, for good reason. The law
is on Trump's side. Recall this past summer when President Trump
repeatedly warned America about mail-in voting and election fraud?
Everything that's happening now was anticipated by the Trump team, well in
advance. Nothing so far has been a surprise to The President and his team.
Now that the fraud has been executed, it relies on two key factors to
actually succeed.
Play number one is "lawfare". The election fraud is designed to stir up
chaos, forcing the election to be decided by the courts, rather than at
the ballot box. How the Dems are weaponizing the law to manage the
election outcome is called lawfare. The Dems are great at this. Remember
Hillary's numerous provable felonies when she mishandled top secret
information on her personal server? The head of the FBI, Comey, called it
a "matter" not a "crime". A crime can be legally prosecuted, a matter
cannot. See what they did there? Effective lawfare. Hillary walked.
The second key play is the "information war". This is where Fox News is
playing a key role. Here's the breakdown: Fox News delivered blatantly
fake news by calling AZ a win for Biden. They delivered the lie early. So
early in fact Fox News dominated the news cycle and grabbed control of the
election narrative going forward. Fox News is attempting to position
President Trump as the loser who is fighting a losing battle against fake
election fraud in the courts, because he can't take the L. Having Fox News
deliver this news is part of the plan in order to give the lie
credibility. To add extra credence to the hoax, the management at Fox News
has succeeded in manipulating their top talent to support the fake
narrative. The left is counting on the average Trump supporter to believe
the lie since it comes from the trusted, "conservative" Fox News and its
top personalities. The rationale goes like this: If Fox News is reporting
Trump lost AZ, it must be true. Why would Fox lie about the Republican
candidate to their Republican audience?
Do not underestimate the power and effectiveness of the "information war".
It's meant to demoralize Trump supporters, weak-kneed Republican
politicians, law enforcement, the military, foreign leaders etc. The left
does not want an energized, organized opposition fighting for America's
election integrity. What we're seeing now isn't the Dem's kill-shot,
they're trying to soften the target. The mainstream media knows it can
make any claims about who won the election without consequences,
especially since it's a coordinated attack. They need Trump supporters to
give up and concede in order to win.
For the people who want a free and fair election, internalize this: the
media doesn't decide elections. Trump won in a landslide. The Dems cheated
to try to win. Every legal vote will be counted so states can legally
certify official results. All the criminal participants from local
election officials to the head(s) of the fraud operation will be
prosecuted. None of this will happen quickly, but it will happen. Trump
and his team are in full control of this fight. As he came off his
well-deserved round of golf over the weekend, his only quote was, "We're
gonna win. Wait." The only outstanding question is, are you going to give
the opposition what they want? Are you going to get weak, loose hope, and
abandon our duly elected President?

Where to go from here?
It's critical for us all to combat the "information war". This means
staying informed with real, accurate news and sharing it with our friends,
families, and neighbors. It's not easy because social media platforms and
the coordinated mainstream media have created an information firewall.
However, with a little persistence, sharing with our networks by using
word-of-mouth neutralizes the firewall. By texting, emailing, and
conversing we are creating our own media network that offers more
information that is being hidden from everyone. So, the question becomes
where to find real news to share since Fox News has proven to be a turd in
a tuxedo.
It's time to switch to alternative news sources. To make the jump, it
takes some temporary "getting used-to". Be prepared for things like: lower
production quality, occasional technical glitches, and watching on other
devices — unless you put in a little work to figure out how to connect
your phone or internet to your TV. It may take downloading a new app, or
visiting a new site. These minor short-term inconveniences are worth it to
get real, honest news.

To get started, here are my three 24/7 news channel picks to replace Fox
News (linked)
NewsMax TV
·       24/7 news. Positioned to be the next conservative media giant.
Recently came out strong in support of election integrity by refusing to
air Biden's bogus victory speech. NewsMax checks the facts. Delivers a
wide range of programming.
General Information:
Watch on Cable and Satellite: DirecTV Ch. 349, Dish Network Ch. 216,
Comcast Xfinity Ch. 1115.
Full list of carriers and channels. Note channels differ depending on
state and carrier. State-specific channel guide
Livestream:, Roku, Pluto TV (app on google and Apple app
stores) channel 236, XUMO, and DistroTV
Youtube: Livestream and archived

OANN: One America News Network
·       24/7 news channel. Scrappy and accurate. OANN is building serious
cred with reporters in the official White House Press Pool and former
military intelligence. On-air talent can be dry, but they consistently
deliver the goods.
General Information:
Watch on Cable or Satellite TV: where to watch guide
Youtube: Archived and livestream
Streaming Services: Apple TV, Roku or Amazon's Fire TV
OANN Programming Schedule:

AVN: America's Voice News
·       24/7 news. Strong Programming Lineup. AVN is on the move. Heavy
investment in new programs and upping overall production quality. Reliable
and accurate. Lots of insider, breaking news embedded in several programs
e.g. National Pulse, Bannon's Warrooom etc. The live-chat feature on the
AVN YouTube Channel is worth a try.
General Information
AVN Apps for Android and Apple
Youtube: Livestream and archived
Holly Kasun

Freelance journalist, B.A. Poli Sci, MA Journalism, entrepreneur

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TheList 7114

The List 7114     TGB Good Wednesday morning March 5..Well the weather is cool at 45 and the rain is expect...