Sunday, July 21, 2024

The list 6894 Addition

The list 6894 Addition     TGB

To All

Addition/correction/update to today's List 6894

Here is the print out from today's list from : Patriotic Times that answered the question of who the woman who ducked down 7 seconds before former president Trump was shot.  I had tried it out once before I sent it but the url got stripped in the sending



Thanks to those that pointed it out to me like Dr. Rich


Internet sleuths have positively identified a mystery woman who was standing behind Donald Trump moments before he was shot last Saturday. Her name is Janeen Diguiseppi.


She was standing behind President Trump to his left—and she ducked seven seconds before the first shot was fired. She may or may not have an earpiece. It's hard to tell.


The most important thing to note is that FBI Director Christopher Wray appointed Janeen Diguiseppi to be his Assistant Director of the FBI's Insider Threat Office in Washington, DC last year.


She's doin' a helluva job!


Diguiseppi ducks down and then seven seconds pass before the first shot is fired. At one point as she's ducking, she holds a sign up in front of her face. It's impossible to tell if she says something in that moment. Maybe she did, maybe she didn't (meaning, was she wearing a microphone and communicating with someone?).


After the bullets start flying, the rest of the crowd around her also starts to duck. People start freaking out as they do during shootings. Ms. Diguiseppi doesn't freak out. She pulls out her cellphone and starts swiping on it, and then starts recording as President Trump is on the ground and being mobbed by Secret Service agents.


It's weird. It raises a lot of questions.


If she had an earpiece and was hearing Secret Service comms, maybe she heard that they had spotted a sniper. If that's the case, why didn't she say anything? She's five or six feet from the president! She couldn't yell "Gun!" or "Everyone get down!" or something?


She seems to know something but she doesn't warn anyone, including President Trump. It seems like there are two possibilities as to what's going on here. Both are extremely bad.


Keep in mind that this is 100% speculative on our part. We have no proof whatsoever to back these ideas up and we are just "spit balling" here. Maybe there's some perfectly reasonable explanation for Ms. Diguiseppi's actions that we're unaware of.


Why's she there? She's wearing a nondescript baseball cap and not a MAGA hat like most people. She's the Assistant Director of the Insider Threat Office at the FBI. Was the FBI aware of an insider threat against the president ahead of time? Why is her boss, FBI Director Christopher Wray, refusing to testify to Congress about the shooting? If the FBI was aware of a threat, why wasn't security around President Trump tightened?


Was she in communication with someone before the shooting? When she holds the sign up in front of her face, does she say something? Something along the lines of… "Take the shot?"


It's possible that she is just another incompetent Biden regime diversity hire, like Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle or Kamala Harris. If that's the case, there's zero chance that she was there as a Trump fan. Trump wants to get rid of all the dead weight in the federal agencies.


Plus, Christopher Wray has been ferreting out Trump supporters in the bureau and firing them for years now. There probably aren't any Trump supporters left in the entire FBI.


Why was such a high-ranking federal employee there? She's no longer a field agent in the FBI, which was how she started out back in 1999. She's one of the people in charge of the FBI. She has underlings that she could send to sit through a Trump rally if that's necessary. Unless she was there for something that is so important that the FBI needed one of the higher-ups on the ground.


Again, this is all 100% speculation. We have no idea why Diguiseppi was there. All we know is that her presence there doesn't make any sense at all. The FBI isn't in charge of protecting the president. That's the Secret Service's job. She should be on the list of people that Congress calls in to testify as soon as possible.s

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TheList 7114

The List 7114     TGB Good Wednesday morning March 5..Well the weather is cool at 45 and the rain is expect...